ISSN: 2161-0711

Medicina Comunitária e Educação em Saúde

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Knowledge, Awareness and Attitude of Pharmacists toward Pharmacogenetic Practice: Perspective of Community and Hospital in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Perwitasari DA, Novitasari SL, Septiantoro BP and Kurniasih TS

Objectives: This study is aimed; to assess the knowledge, awareness and attitude of pharmacists in the community and hospital settings towards pharmacogenetic, to understand the differences of knowledge, awareness and attitude between community and hospital settings and to understand the factors predict the knowledge, awareness and attitude of the pharmacists.

Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study over 60 community pharmacies and 11 clinics and hospital pharmacies. We recruited 84 hospital pharmacists in the private hospitals and 24 community pharmacists. The questionnaire about knowledge, awareness and attitude of pharmacists towards pharmacogenetic were adopted from previous study. We also collected the data of demographic by interviewing the respondents.

Results: Our study finds the significant differences of attitude between community and hospital pharmacists. The scores of knowledge, awareness and attitude in community setting are higher than the score of those in hospital settings. In the hospital setting, only education and CPD which may predict the awareness of pharmacists. In the community setting, characteristics which may predict the knowledge, awareness and attitude are outpatient services, work duration and CPD, respectively (p<0.05).

Conclusion: The knowledge and awareness of pharmacists toward pharmacogenetic in Yogyakarta are good. Pharmacists’ characteristics that may predict the knowledge, awareness and attitude toward pharmacogenetic are education, internal CPD, work duration, and types of patient’s service.