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Robert Bokros
Theme of Press Release A British producer of a state-of-the-art-scaffolding system has won a contract to supply Valero Energy based in San Antonio, Texas, United States. Within the refinery, scaffolding is used to provide access for preventative and reactive maintenance, inspection and operational tasks. For the last 30 years this has been provided by an out sourced scaffolding company, and with rising labour costs continues to account for an ever increasing expense year on year for Valero. This has driven the site Refinery Services Department to completely review the scaffold and access requirements to identify safe and suitable lower cost alternative solutions to traditional scaffolding. During this research, the LOBO System was identified and a sample order, together with the approved training package, was purchased. Having received the LOBO System pilot order in 2013, a focus was placed to use it on all works, excluding the very high designed access applications and with an improvement in health and safety performance. The plan was to use the LOBO System for as many of the jobs on routine maintenance that require working at height as is possible;