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Magnetic Endoscopic Imaging: A Useful Ally in Colonoscopy

Imdadur Rahman, Stavroula Pelitari, Philip Boger, Praful Patel

Magnetic endoscopic imaging (MEI) allows the configuration of the endoscope shaft to be visualised during colonoscopy. In particular, it allows the operator to confidentally recognise loop formation and subsequent loop resolution which is vital for colonoscope tip advancement and thus complete visualisation of the colon. Although generally accepted as a useful aid during colonoscopy, it is not universally available either due to cost or this facility is not available or compatible with all manufactured endoscopes. The data on its utility with regards colonoscopy performance outcome measures is mixed but overall likely to be beneficial. Its main value probably relates to colonoscopy training and its value may be realised with the large expansion in workforce required with the recent introduction of bowel cancer screening. Further work in this area is required. The manufacturer suggests some minor limitations in use because of potential interference with implanted electronic device, but its safety overall is well recognised.