ISSN: 2329-9053

Jornal de Farmacêutica Molecular e Pesquisa de Processos Orgânicos

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Management of Pregnancy with a Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm of the Pancreas

Mengqi Keith

At 35 weeks and 2 days of gestation, a 26-year-old primigravid patient was referred to Hacettepe University Hospital for a pancreatic mass, huge cervical myoma, maternal systemic lupus erythematosus, thrombocytopenia, and the onset of preterm labour. Regular uterine contractions began at 36 weeks and 1 day of gestation, and cervical dilatation with effacement was detected. The primigravid patient underwent a caesarean surgery under general anaesthesia due to breech presentation and a large cervical myoma. Subtotal pancreatectomy, partial gastrectomy, duodenectomy, cholecystectomy, and omentectomy were performed four months after birth. The pathologic diagnosis was a solid pseudopapillary pancreatic tumour, and the patient was discharged from the hospital after 10 days. The time of surgical intervention is determined by a variety of factors, including tumour size, location, gestational age, and mother health. While large, symptomatic tumours may necessitate early surgery, small, asymptomatic tumours can be closely watched until foetal lung maturity is reached. To reduce maternal morbidity, minimally invasive procedures like as laparoscopic or robotic-assisted surgery are preferable.