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Neurocysticercosis: Clinical Aspects, Immunopathology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Vaccine Development

José Ramón Vielma, Haideé Urdaneta-Romero, Juana del Carmen Villarreal, Luis Alberto Paz, Luis Vicente Gutiérrez, Marylú Mora and Leonor Chacín- Bonilla

Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is defined as human parasitism caused by Taenia solium in its larval stage, when the parasite is located at the central nervous system of the human beings. This disease represents a serious public health problem in developing countries. Neuroimaging studies are usually abnormal, but in most cases, not pathognomonic. Serological diagnosis of NCC is made by means of tests using crude antigens or semipurified fractions of T. solium cysticerci or the use of recombinant antigens that have improved the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnosis. Treatment of NCC is based upon the use of cystocidal drugs, namely: praziquantel and albendazole. Some vaccines to prevent porcine cysticercosis are in advanced stages of investigation, but they are not to be used in humans. Nowadays, the T. solium genome sequence will allow to create a rational design of new healing and preventive drugs. A vaccine for human taeniosis use could be developed in a short term. The aim of this review is to describe the most important clinical aspects of the NCC with emphasis in immunopathology and immune diagnosis.