ISSN: 2155-6199

Jornal de Biorremediação e Biodegradação

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Neutralization/Biodegradation of the Nerve Agent VX

Steven P. Harvey, James M. Myslinski

The nerve agent VX slowly undergoes autocatalytic hydrolysis via Ethyl Methyl Phosphonic Acid (EMPA) upon the addition of a stoichiometric amount of water. This reaction was used to detoxify the agent through cleavage of the P-S bond. Neither unreacted VX nor the hydrolysis product was found to be very biodegradable as mineralization was less than 20% in both cases. In an effort to increase its biodegradability, various concentrations and combinations of Fenton’s Reagent and sodium bicarbonate with hydrogen peroxide were used to oxidize the hydrolysis product. Both oxidation reactions were effective at decreasing the chemical oxygen demand, increasing the aqueous solubility, and reducing the odor of the VX hydrolysis product. The most biodegradable product was found to be that from the reaction of the VX hydrolysate with Fenton’s Reagent.