ISSN: 2329-6879

Medicina Ocupacional e Assuntos de Saúde

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  • Fundação de Genebra para Educação e Pesquisa Médica
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  • Fundação de Genebra para Educação e Pesquisa Médica
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Noise in Leisure Activities

Karyn Lia Hamad Anjelo, David Sant’Ana de Queiroz and Paulo Henrique Trombetta Zannin

This paper presents a literature review of scientific production on the theme of 'noise in leisure activities.’ Journals in the Virtual Health Library were examined on issues such as noise, occupational noise and noise in leisure activities. The publications reviewed in this study are divided into two categories: effects on hearing, and measurement of sound pressure levels. The findings of the literature review reveal the urgent need to adopt preventive measures and to raise the awareness of public authorities, health and leisure professionals, and the general public about the problem of noise. Simulations of the acoustic descriptor speech transmission index STI were performed in 4 gym academies, and the results show that the quality of communication range from bad to satisfactory, given that noise levels are high.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.