ISSN: 2165-7904

Jornal de Obesidade e Terapia para Perda de Peso

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  • Genâmica JournalSeek
  • Centro Internacional de Agricultura e Biociências (CABI)
  • RefSeek
  • Universidade Hamdard
  • OCLC – WorldCat
  • Catálogo online SWB
  • Texto completo do CABI
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  • Publons
  • Fundação de Genebra para Educação e Pesquisa Médica
  • Euro Pub
  • Universidade de Bristol
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Obesity and Hypertension Induced Sleep Apnea in Men

Khan NT and Khaliq M

Global obesity and hypertension epidemic continues to gain momentum as reported in several studies that association between obstructive sleep apnea, hypertension and weight gain has resulted in a corresponding increase in the frequency of this health issue. Therefore this analytical study was conducted with the help of a selfdeveloped validated questionnaire designed to find the prevalence of sleep apnea and its relationship with obesity and hypertension in 100 male participants. Obtained results revealed that out of 69 obese male individuals, 64 were suffering from sleep apnea along with apparent symptoms of hypertension indicating its high prevalence. If untreated, may affect quality of life, morbidity and mortality.