ISSN: 1522-4821

Jornal Internacional de Saúde Mental de Emergência e Resiliência Humana

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Occupational Health Challenges of Railway Employees in India ��? Towards Developing a Comprehensive Framework for Action

Gyanaranjan Pradhan, Anindita Pattnaik, Subhrabhanu Panda and Bhuputra Panda

Provision of occupational health services plays a critical role in employee retention, motivation and job satisfaction. Work related health and safety needs of railway employees in India have not received the due attention. Lack of comprehensive framework for analysis and paucity of scientific literature on the subject is a bottleneck for formulation and implementation of effective policies around the subject. This review paper offers a framework for further consideration of the government. In the first of its kind work, the paper also presents a unique and comprehensive perspective of the responsibilities, contextual factors and emerging priorities with regard to occupational health challenges of railway workers. Opting for a comprehensive occupational health policy, capacity building of key stakeholders, regular supervision, strengthening of information management system and facilitating research and innovation on the subject has the potentiality to pay rich dividends in the long run not only to individual workers but also to the economy and the railway industry.