ISSN: 2329-6879

Medicina Ocupacional e Assuntos de Saúde

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Occupational Health Promotion Using Online Visual Representation on Internet for Consultation

Tsair-Wei Chien

Objective: To show an on-line visual representation to a mental health related Doctor for consultation and to compute the prevalence rate of work strain for a workplace. Methods: Exploration factor analysis and parallel analysis were used to validate the items retained in the Chinese-version of the Job-Content Questionnaire (C-JCQ). The setting was a 900-bed hospital in southern Taiwan. A total of 1,800 full-time workers in this hospital were asked to participate in a job perception survey in May 2009. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to analyze the differences in work strain among work sections. A visual representation of the C-JCQ findings was then prepared to provide practitioners with a tool for use in clinical settings. Results: The prevalence rate of hospital workers’ strain in the study workplace was 13.26%. There were significant differences among work sections on most C-JCQ subscales. Conclusions: Periodical surveys of the quality of work life with the C-JCQ are urgently needed. A visual representation of C-JCQ findings could be made available to highlight the need for mental health consultation in clinical settings.

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