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Online Exportation of Olive Oil: New Challenges

Esperanza Gómez Valenzuela

This study is part of the Research Project of Excellence, awarded to the University of Jaén (Spain) by the Ministry of Innovation and Science of Andalusia: Cod. AGR – 5961: “Strengths and weaknesses in the internationalization of the olive oil sector in Jaén province: The case of small and medium enterprises”. Throughout the study methodology used in the design of the website is taken into account. The website collects information and resources to be used as a guide by the small and medium olive oil enterprises (SMEs) in the process of internationalization, as well as a Pilot on-line Store. However, there are still a number of difficulties facing the user of the Virtual Store for the exportation of olive oil, arising from, among other reasons, the absence of a uniform set of regulations governing the formation of an international electronic contract, especially in the European Community area.