ISSN: 2375-4494

Comportamento de crianças e adolescentes

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Parent-Child Relationships in Children presenting with Somatic complaints: A Comparative Study

Priti Singh, Pratibha Gehlawat, Balkishan Sharma, Virender Kumar Gehlawat and Rajiv Gupta

Abstract Introduction: Somatization account for disproportionately large number of visit to physicians and out-patient clinic. Many of the psychological problems present with pure somatic symptoms. The long term impact of Somatization is poor and results in compromised outcome in various areas. Children with faulty parent-child relationship are more prone to develop psychological problems and Somatization. Therefore, the present study was planned to assess the impact of parent child relationship on somatic presentation of children. Aim and objective: To assess the relationship between parent-child relationship and somatic presentation in children. Research design and methods: It was a cross-sectional, case-control study design. The study was conducted in Pt. B.D.Sharma, PGIMS, Rohtak, a tertiary care centre in northern India. The children of age between 9-14 years attending Paediatrics OPD with psychological and emotional problems formed the study group. They were referred to Department of Psychiatry for further evaluation. Thirty children who presented with somatic symptoms constituted the case group and thirty children with other psychological non somatic symptoms constituted the control group. The socio-demographic profile was taken on a specially designed proforma. The parent-child relationship was assessed by Children’s Report of Parental Behaviour Inventory (CRPBI). The collected data was analysed statistically. Results: We found that case group had significantly faultier parent-child relationship with both father and mother. Faulty father child relationship was associated with polysomatic and faulty mother child relationship was associated with monosomatic presentation. Conclusion: Children presenting with somatic complaints should be properly evaluated for psychological stress due to faulty parent-child relationship.

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