ISSN: 2161-0681

Jornal de Patologia Clínica e Experimental

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PiPE, a Phytophthora-associated PAMPS from P. infestans, Binds to a Ca2+-Dependent Protein Kinase (CDPK) in Potato for the Induction of Hypersensitive Reaction

Naotaka Furuichi, Kazutoshi Yokokawa, Hisakazu Okamura and Masatoshi Ohta

We report that PiPE, a Phytophthora-associated PAMPS (Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns), induced generation of active oxygen species and hypersensitive cell death (HR) by treatment of potato tuber tissues, and that the PiPE gene from a species of Oomycete, Phytophthora infestans Mont (de Bary), was cloned. Interaction of a His-tagged PiPE from P. infestans with a His-tagged Ca2+-Dependent Protein Kinase (RiCDPK2) from potato cv. Rishiri (R1-gene) was investigated by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with mouse monoclonal anti-PiPE Antibodies (Abs). We found that the PiPE and a Mycelical Homogenate (MH) from P. infestans can interact with His- RiCDPK2 in vitro. PiPE showed binding interaction with the His-fusion proteins from three other domains of RiCDPK2, indicating the existence of binding sites for PiPE of P. infestans on RiCDPK2. We suggest that after binding with the PiPE, RiCDPK2 may trigger signals that lead to the occurrence of HR in potato.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.