ISSN: 2332-0877

Jornal de doenças infecciosas e terapia

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Plant Based Molecules for the Management of Covid-19

Yogesh Arun Dound, Sameer Chaudhary, Rajesh Sehgal, Sapana Sameer Chaudhary and Bhushan Arun Dound

COVID-19 pandemic has put forward a serious challenge to the global research community to find a therapeutic solution for the
disease. Nations are collaborating to fast track the development of the vaccine, but with a very limited or no success. Considering Corona
virus being a RNA virus, development of vaccine will have its own challenges and may take more time than the desire or expected time.
Natural Products and phytoactives from the plants, which are commonly used globally for the management of various viral diseases, can
offer the ray of hope as natural supportive modalities. In the current study, 20 ligands of plant origin were selected after thorough literature
survey and were studied for their potential antiviral characteristics using in silico techniques. The study focuses on Main Protease (Mpro)
and SARS corona virus main peptidase. These ligands were screened for being the potential drug targets and most of the selected
compounds have shown significant binding energies suggesting that these can be further explored to find an effective anti-viral treatment.