ISSN: 2161-0711

Medicina Comunitária e Educação em Saúde

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Poilo Eradication from Pakistan: Our Fears and Favors at Field Site

Naurin Abdul Karim, Arjumand sohalia and Nadia Muhammad

Poilo is among the three last countries Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. Where the virus is still the endemic, more or less the same number are reported which seems to be astonished and annoyed situations for the health care system and at government level. This could be only night mare for Pakistan to be polio free country where to hold a strong religious belief, and cultural misconception and myths creating the hurdles and failures in the polio campaigns. On the other hand, strong development of policies, awareness programs, telecommunication services, radio talks, media advertisement and IPC interpersonal communication campaigns made significant acceptance among the community.