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  • Centro Internacional de Agricultura e Biociências (CABI)
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Possible Seasonal Pattern of Ebola Virus Disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Diego Mpia Elenge

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has two seasons (dry and rain). However this allocation across the country is totally different in terms of length. First, in the north of Equator, the rainy seasons start from April until the end of June then from September to the end of October. The dry seasons start from the beginning of November until the end of March (called the major dry season) and the beginning of July until the end of August (the minor dry season). Second, in the south of Equator, the rhythm of seasons is exactly inversed. The rainy season starts from October to May and the dry season (mid-May until the end of September). Rains are almost constant along the year.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.