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Prevalence of Dental Caries among School Children in Sundarban, India

Pratiti Datta and Pratyay Pratim Datta

Dental caries is a public health problem in developing countries like India. The problem is dreadful among school children particularly of lower socio-economic status. The present study was planned to assess the prevalence of dental caries among students after the eruption of permanent dentition and to find out the association of socio-demographic characteristics with the prevalence of dental caries.

The present study was conducted in a rural high school in a hard to reach area of Sundarban, West Bengal, India. Students studying in class VII aged 13-14 years were checked for presence of dental caries and asked about the hygienic habit and socio-demographic characteristics with the help of predesigned questionnaire.

Total 114 students participated in the study and the overall prevalence of dental caries was found to be 72%. The prevalence of dental caries was significantly higher among students belonging to family having less per capita monthly income. The prevalence was significantly lower among students who had brushing habits twice a day as compared to those having brushing habit once daily or not every day. Students having more than one sibling had higher prevalence as compared to students having no or one sibling.

Dental caries can be prevented by proper hygienic habits. Awareness among students and their mothers should be generated for primary

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