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Prevalence of Needle-stick and Sharps Injuries among Healthcare Workers, Najran, Saudi Arabia

Anjum Hashmi, Samer Abu Al Reesh and Lisa Indah

Introduction: An investigation estimates that needle-stick and sharps injuries affect about 3.5 million individuals on the global level. In healthcare workers nurses and physicians appear especially at risk.

Objectives: To examine the epidemiology of occupational sharps injuries in Health care workers.

Material and methods: It is retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out among the Health Care Workers of Maternity and Children’s Hospital, KSA from 1st January to 30th June 2012 with participation of 750 HCWs by Convenient sampling technique. Data entry and analysis was done on EPINetTM.

Results: A total of 32 cases of sharps injuries occurred during the six months period. Nurses accounted 46.9%, constituting the largest group of the Health Care Workers. Most frequently site of occurrence was operating/recovery room 34.4%. 64.5% of injuries occurred “during use of device.” In 90.6% of cases injuring item was contaminated. 59.4% injuries occurred while wearing single pair of gloves, only 21.9% with double pair of gloves. Most common site of injury was the right hand.

Conclusion: There can be serious consequences of needle stick injuries in hospitals as large proportion of injuries involves used needles and sharps if health care workers do not take appropriate measures of protection.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.