ISSN: 2381-8727

Jornal Internacional de Inflamação, Câncer e Terapia Integrativa

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Review of Breast Cancer and the Implications of Programmed Cell Death

Amaia Lowe

Cell death is an inevitable part of life and is essential for controlling disease situations, ageing, and organismal growth. Cell death can occur in both controlled and unregulated ways. In recent years, programmed cell death (PCD)-induced cell death has drawn more and more attention. The improper regulation of PCD is crucial to tumour development. For instance, current contemporary chemotherapeutic drugs' ability to treat tumours by inducing cell death is crucial given that tumour cells are comparatively resistant to apoptosis. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have recently come to light as being involved in the regulation of several biological processes in breast cancer, including PCD.