ISSN: 2329-8863

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Review of Challenges, Opportunities, and Major Achievements of Pulse Crop Breeding in Ethiopia

Bulo Debesa1 *, Admasu Mitiku2,3 and Lemi Yadessa2,3

Most of the crop breeding programs in Ethiopia are to develop varieties under optimum environments/management although marginal environments/management characterizes the ultimate target population of environments. The success of any agricultural development program largely depends on whether or not appropriate technologies are developed, made available, accepted, and properly used in production. It was recognized long ago that unless and otherwise the realization of these technologies was properly and systematically guided, it would have been difficult for Ethiopia to feed the increasing population. Varietal selection mainly depends on the production environment and is vital to maximizing gains from crop productivity and production efforts done by pulse crop breeding in Ethiopia. Therefore, the objective of this review will focus on the challenges, opportunities, and major achievements of pulse crop research in Ethiopia