ISSN: 2329-8863

Avanços na ciência e tecnologia agrícola

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Review on Debates Over Genetically Modified Crops in the Context of Agriculture

Altaye Tiruneh*

Genetic engineering is a technology by which the genetic material of an organism can be modified through the introduction of a gene from the same species or across the boundary. GM crops add benefit for human beings by increasing the importance of desirable traits. However, the technology comes across with challenges for different stakeholders. Undesirable gene flow from GM crops is the most touching risk associated with this technology. The major debate over genetically modified crops in the world exists between proponents and opponents. GM supporters believe that the improvement of crops through conventional breeding is related to species-dependent, timeconsuming and inexact processes. The opponent on the other side claims the potential risk of GM crops through the reference of human health and environmental concern. The main arguments over GM crops can be done through the reference of sustainable development, namely environment, which also include human health issues, economics and social development. Both sides use such terms as sustainability, but each of them states them differently. Thus, this paper will contribute to know the debate over genetically modified crops and show possible causes in the context of agriculture.