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Review on the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Oumer Abdu Muhie

Objective: This review is concerned on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic that is affecting the globe. The aim of this update is to summarize the up-to-date knowledge about the virus, its way of transmission, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment.

Result: COVID-19 is a public health threat affecting humankind currently after the emergence and spread of the novel coronavirus or the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. The virus is believed to have originated from bats and transmitted to humans. Around 8.5 million peoples are confirmed to have the COVID-19 and more than 450 000 individuals have died of it by June 18, 2020, all over the world. It is transmitted by inhaling or having contact with droplets. The incubation period ranges from 2- 14 days. It manifests mainly with fever, nonproductive cough, and dyspnea. Polymerase chain reaction from various samples like throat swabs, nasal swabs, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid is used to confirm the diagnosis. High-resolution chest computerized tomography is abnormal in most patients and typical findings are ground glass patchy opacities on both lungs and sub-segmental consolidation. Treatment is largely supportive. The battle of developing vaccines that can halt COVID-19 Pandemic is ongoing and some of those are to be tested in phase III trials. Remdesivir, an antiviral was found to shorten recovery time of COVID-19 patients in preliminary result of a trial. Dexamethasone was found to reduce mortality by one-third among seriously sick COVID-19 patients requiring mechanical ventilation.