ISSN: 2155-9910

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Signs of Hypothetic Fauna and Flora on Venus and their Characterization

Leonid V Ksanfomality, Arnold S Selivanov and Yuriy M Gektin

Transmission of TV images is a commonly used modern method in both space research of celestial bodies and the search for extraterrestrial life in the solar system. In 1982 experiments in television photography instrumented by the Soviet VENERA-13 and VENERA-14 landers, returned panoramas of the Venus surface at the landing site. Over the past 33 years, no similar missions have been sent to Venus by any space agency, mainly due to the reason that the experiments were of extreme technical complexity. Analysis of treated once again VENERA panoramic images revealed objects that might indicate the presence of hypothetical forms of Venusian flora and fauna. Among them is ‘amisada’ that stands out with an unusual shape against the stone plates surrounding it. The ‘amisada’ can be included into the list of the most interesting findings of the hypothetical Venusian fauna. Among hypothetical fauna entities of Venus, certain unusual findings that have similar structure were found in different areas of the planet. Their unusual shape was repeated on various panoramas that were taken by landers' cameras and have attracted attention. 'Stems' objects possess apparent terramorphic features of Earth-like floras. 'Stems' are thin vertical trunks that have a thickness of 0.3-3 cm and are 0.1 to 0.5 m in height. On close objects, one can see that the 'stem' at the top end is provided with a large bulge, a "burgeon" or “flower” that is 2-8 cm in diameter, with “petals” surrounding a bright center. At the base of the 'stems', there are features that resemble leaves in a quatrefoil. Probably, 'stems' are widespread on the planet, because found at the different sites. The terramorphic features of the hypothetical fauna and flora of Venus, if they are confirmed, may point out at outstandingly important general laws of the animated nature. Some data on physical settings on Venus are applied together with a hypothesis on photosynthesis used by Venusian flora.