ISSN: 2278-0238

Revista Internacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Farmácia e Ciências da Vida

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Sunil Chakrabarti, Subhankar Chowdhury, Sudakshina Ghosh, Manalee Guha, Soumee Ghosh, Srikanta Guria, Arup Kumar Pattanayak and Madhusudan Das

This is a study with 225 female diabetic who were attending diabetic clinic at IPGME & R (S.S.K.M. Hospital, kolkata). Particularly the female diabetic of reproductive age group and post-menopausal women with diabetes mellitus had been included. Age matched non-diabetic female controls were taken from the patients attending GOPD of Ulluberia, S. D. Hospital who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Particularly free testosterone and estrogen, LH, FSH levels were measured from blood sample. Fertility pattern was evaluated with history of infertility, or repeated fetal loss or successful pregnancy.
Our results showed that there is significant association of fasting sugar and different hormonal levels (testosterone, LH, FSH and insulin) of diabetic patient who showed miscarriage and stillbirth. Significant number of diabetic females showed miscarriage. Our results revealed significant association between BMI and rate of miscarriage.