ISSN: 1522-4821

Jornal Internacional de Saúde Mental de Emergência e Resiliência Humana

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Suicide Tendency among under Graduate Students in Bangladesh during COVID Period

Sadman Sadik Shovon , Nakib Hasan, Meftahul Jannat Rownok

This study aims to underline the importance of the study curriculum system as a significant associate of suicide among engineering university students. For this aim, 18 Bangladeshi engineering university students volunteered. Family Environment Questionnaire, Depression Inventory, and Positive and Negative Affect of friends. Gender, age, living with family versus away from family, and Grade Point Averages and depressive symptoms, and positive and negative affect, study curriculum system still emerged as a significant associate of suicide. These findings underline the importance of the study curriculum system as a risk factor for suicide among engineering university students.