ISSN: 2277-1891

Jornal Internacional de Inovações, Pensamentos e Ideias Avançadas

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Suitability and Precision of Xerographic and Computer-Assisted Methods

Michel William

This study was to compare the suitability and precision of xerographic and computer-assisted methods for bite mark investigations. Eleven subjects were asked to bite on their forearm and the bite marks were photographically recorded. Alginate impressions of the subjects’ dentition were taken and their casts were made using dental stone. The overlays generated by xerographic method were obtained by photocopying the subjects’ casts and the incise edge outlines were then transferred on a transparent sheet. The bite mark images were imported into Adobe Photoshop® software and printed to life-size. The bite mark analyses using xerographically generated overlays were done by comparing an overlay to the corresponding printed bite mark images manually. In computer-assisted method, the subjects’ casts were scanned into.