ISSN: 2277-1891

Jornal Internacional de Inovações, Pensamentos e Ideias Avançadas

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Teaching Soft skills to Students of Humanities: A Cultural Perspective

Mounir Sanhaji

Teaching soft skills to higher education students is an essential step towards the integration of their competence into the workplace context. However, the nature of the curriculum students of humanities have questions its efficiency to help them acquire these essential skills. In this context, this paper explores the role of teaching “Introduction to Cultural Studies,” as a case study, to the students of the English Department. Undeniably, Soft skills are referred to as transferrable skills that can be acquired via the experience of employers. Still, many graduates do not have the same opportunity to have adequate experience that can qualify them to have a job in the first place. In this sense, this examines to what extent the assigned curriculum of the English Department can prepare a student for a productive integration into the job market.