ISSN: 2161-0711

Medicina Comunitária e Educação em Saúde

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The Level of Education of Women Residing in the Parish of Angochagua-Ibarra and its Effect in the Sexual and Reproductive Health

Rivadeneira SMR, Jara VMP, Dávila MFV, Moreno MMV and Rosales SJC

Due to the education has a fundamental role as base of knowledge and allows the development of skills which empower men, women and adolescents in decisions making and responsibility of health, it is relevant the education in health in alternative scope which offers the option to choose patterns and behaviors, related to its particular form to interpret the sexuality, realigning the individual with the social and broaden it without antagonistic conflicts.

Objective of study: To establish the relation between the educational level of women who live in Angochagua parish from Ibarra-Ecuador and its incidence in their sexual and reproductive health.

Materials and methods: It is a non-experimental qualitative design of observational, descriptive and transversal type where women from 15 to 61 years were included who lived in the area where the study was conducted and whom after a previous authorization was applied a survey.

Results: It was evident a directly proportional relation between literacy and access to programs of health care, a high rate of pregnancies in young, unmarried women, a high rate of children and deceased children from early ages in women with low level of education. The 90% of investigated women from 45 to 61 years who live in the rural areas which were studied did not enter in the school and they do not read nor write, as a result, due to lack of educational level affected in their reproductive life with more children.

Conclusion: The young women with higher educational levels have limited knowledge of sexual and reproductive health and although their condition related to older women and less educated has improved, the rural woman is discriminated too as a person, and it is unknown her universal right of health care.