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The purpose of temperature of fever in COVID-19

K. M. Yacob

When the disease made by virus becomes a threat to life or organs blood circulation decreases, Temperature of fever will emerge to increase prevailing blood circulation. And it acts as a protective covering of the body to sustain life. When blood flow decreases to the brain, the patient becomes fainted-delirious. If we try to decreases the temperature of fever, the blood circulation will further be reduced. Blood circulation never increases without temperature increase. Delirious can never be cured without an increase in blood circulation. The temperature of fever is not a surplus temperature or it is not to be eliminated from the body. During fever, our body temperature increases like a brooding hen`s increased body temperature. The actual treatment to fever is to increase blood circulation. Two ways to increase blood circulation 1. Never allow body temperature to lose 2. Apply heat from outside to the body. When the temperature produced by the body due to fever and heat which we applied on the body combines together, the blood circulation increases.