ISSN: 2471-9846

Revista de Enfermagem Comunitária e de Saúde Pública

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The Role of School-based Programs in Protection and Development of School Health

Canan Birimoglu Okuyan and Sultan Ayaz Alkaya

The children who attend preschool, primary and secondary education institutions comprise about 32% of the total population. School health includes all aspects of service of evaluating and improving the health of the students and the school staff and providing and maintaining a healthy school life. The aim of school health services is to provide and maintain the best possible physical, mental and social health of all children in the school age in the community. So that, the health degree of the children and the community rises altogether, also the goal of school-based programs is to improve and preserve the health of the students and the school staff with multidisciplinary team. This study focuses on the role of school-based programs in protection and development of school health