ISSN: 2161-0681

Jornal de Patologia Clínica e Experimental

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Thoracic Myelolipoma: A Rare Case of Mistake in Lung Cancer Staging

Ludovic Fournel, Audrey Mansuet-Lupo, Marie-Pierre Revel and Jean-François Régnard

Myelolipomas are benign tumors containing hematopoietic and fatty elements. They are commonly located in the retroperitoneum and mainly characterized by low density and low 18-FDG uptake on computed and positronemission tomography imaging. We report here a very rare case of middle lobe lung carcinoma occurring together with a hyper metabolic right posterior thoracic nodule leading to a diagnosis of metastatic location by mistake. A CTguided core-needle biopsy was then performed and demonstrated the presence of both mature fat and hematopoietic tissue which was highly suggestive of myelolipoma. It allowed for curative treatment of the lung carcinoma and resection of the myelolipoma in the same time.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.