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Three-Dimensional Motion Analysis: Relevant Concepts in Physiotherapy Movement Dysfunction Management

Derek J Rutherford and Cheryl Hubley-Kozey

The explorations of typical and dysfunctional movements are recognized physiotherapy assessment and management strategies. With the development of state-of-the-art three-dimensional (3-D) motion capture systems, traditional two-dimensional and observational movement quantification are being used less frequently in research initiatives. This technology is slowly infiltrating physiotherapy practice as systems become more accessible. Knowledge of 3-D acquisition methodology will provide insight into advancing movement dysfunction theories in physiotherapy. The objective of this commentary is to introduce the clinician to 3-D motion capture while providing a basic theoretical framework for understanding this methodology. The current use of 3-D systems and the limitations of this study methodology are reviewed. Familiarization with the use of this technology and understanding the methods in capturing 3-D motion will provide the physiotherapist with the latest knowledge in movement dysfunction. These concepts are an exceptional addition to the clinical reasoning strategies currently employed in the profession of physiotherapy.