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Transition metal complexes/organ aluminous compounds as anticancer/anti HIV medication or in pharmaceutical business

Prakash Kinthada

Cancer could be a dreadful unwellness and any sensible answer in combating this unwellness is of predominant importance to public health. Cancer patients have burdened by drug evoked unhealthful facet effects, and no turned to hunt facilitate from the complementary and medicine hoping for a much better cure. analysis on atomic number 78 primarily based} medication and non-platinum based medication could be a Multi-Million greenback business in USA and there's each got to turn out safe medication for the cure of this monstrous unwellness. Flavonoids have a protracted history of use in ancient medicines in several cultures. The phytochemical, curcumin is one among the foremost dietary flavonoid, happiness to a gaggle of flavonol, curcumin could be a natural polyphenol. it's extremely potential molecule capable of preventing and treating numerous cancers. numerous dietary chemo preventive agents, turmeric powder or its extract area unit loosely used as therapeutic preparations in Indian system of drugs. we offer a summarized synthesis and structural determination of Curcumin organic compound, Curcumin Th.