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Utilization of Partograph during Labour and Birth Outcomes at Jimma University

Sena Belina Kitila, Abebe Gmariam, Ashagire Molla and Gugsa Nemera

Background: Globally, at least 585,000 women die each year with complications of pregnancy and child birth. This high level of maternal morbidity and mortality has been remained as big challenge in developing countries and there is a woman who dies of pregnancy and birth related complication every minute passes. Majority of these deaths and complications could be prevented by cost-effective and affordable health interventions like utilization of partograph; a graphic representation of progress of labour, maternal and fetal conditions in relation to time. The aim of this study is to identify the extent of utilization of partograph and birth outcomes at Jimma University Specialized Hospital.

Methods and Materials: Cross sectional retrospective study which involved quantitative methods of data collection was employed from February to March 2012. A total of 340 delivery records were reviewed from 7 years records selected by systematic sampling method using pre-tested structured check list.

Results: Of 340 reviewed delivery records 274/340(80.6%) files had partograph attached. However; utilized in only 19 (6.9%) of the records and some of fetal, labour and maternal parameters were correctly documented in 10.5%.

Conclusion and Recommendation: Utilization of partograph and documentation of the key events were poor. Hence, relevant authorities have to facilitate its actual availability, develop a system for its routine utilization and efforts should be made to maintain a high index of its utilization.