ISSN: 2277-1891

Jornal Internacional de Inovações, Pensamentos e Ideias Avançadas

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Why women cheat on their partners Prevalence and Rapid Transmission of Married woman Individuals attending low transportation facility Private Pharmaceutical Institutions in Pune, University India

Rahul Hajare

Depression is a state of mindfuck. Unhappy job, toxic workplace, unsatisfied sexual life, shabby looks and no one to pamper him in such situations can account to develop low self-esteem in a woman which may burst out drastically. When a woman feels neglected by her partner, she feels more like a useless imperfect or a financial supporter than a partner or a wife. Alas! It is an atrocious experience! This could be an obvious reason why she gets attracted to someone who makes her feel special with adorable gestures by appreciating her for who she is or giving her precious quality time. And nothing can be as relieving as living such moments with someone who brings a sweet satiating smile on the face