ISSN: 1522-4821

Jornal Internacional de Saúde Mental de Emergência e Resiliência Humana

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Workplace Analysis: A platform to employees to discuss about their mental health issues

Subhash Chandra Sethi

The major issue with the employees is they just stick their own place throughout the day and they only mingle with their own department or group, which restricting them to interact with the other groups or set of people. An employee may not be comfortable in sharing his personal or professional issues on his team but there are possible chances he/she may feel comfortable with other people or group members. The literature “How to support staff who are experiencing a mental health problem” says that often employees are not comfortable sharing if they are overly stressed at work or if they are going through a mental health issues. The line managers and the team HR should provide a Manager and colleague interaction session where the employee can share their issues openly. And the employee also need to aware that the platform is completely safe and the such details will remain confidential and safe between the parties. An organization can have a policy around it.