ISSN: 1522-4821

Jornal Internacional de Saúde Mental de Emergência e Resiliência Humana

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Your Words. Your Power: Writing as a Self-Empowering Tool For Womens Mental Health In Developing Countries

Joanna Robaczewska, Dimitra Didangelou and Mohammad Abo Hilal

It has been seen that women in developing countries face many challenges that can stop them from fulfilling their potential, but also increase the risk of mental illness. Therefore it is very important to put in place effective strategies that can help these women improve their mental wellbeing as well as increase their inner strength and resilience. Considering the financial constrains these strategies need to be also cost-efficient. Here we would like to discuss the potential of writing as a tool for womens’ mental health in developing countries, where writing is not well known as a therapeutic method. The method has been however already used for psycho-emotional development with positive results in the western world. Here we show how by implementing writing as a selfempowering tool for womens' mental health in developing countries a significant contribution to womens’ empowerment can be made.