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Cytochrome P450 oxidases

Human CYPs area unit primarily membrane-associated proteins situated either within the inner membrane of mitochondria or within the endoplasmic reticulum of cells. CYPs metabolise thousands of endogenous and exogenous chemicals. Some CYPs metabolise only 1 (or a really few) substrates, like CYP19 (aromatase), whereas others might metabolise multiple substrates. each of those characteristics account for his or her central importance in medication. hemoprotein P450 enzymes area unit gift in most tissues of the body, and play vital roles in endocrine synthesis and breakdown (including steroid hormone and androgen synthesis and metabolism), sterol synthesis, and fat-soluble vitamin metabolism. hemoprotein P450 enzymes additionally perform to metabolise probably cyanogenetic compounds, as well as medicine and merchandise of endogenous metabolism like animal pigment, in the main within the liver. CYPs area unit the foremost enzymes concerned in drug metabolism, accounting for regarding seventy fifth of the overall metabolism. Most medicine endure deactivation by CYPs, either directly or by expedited excretion from the body. Also, several substances area unit bioactivated by CYPs to make their active compounds.