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Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic, lifelong condition that affects your body's ability to use the energy found in food. There are three major types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. All types of diabetes mellitus have something in common. Normally, your body breaks down the sugars and carbohydrates you eat into a special sugar called glucose. Glucose fuels the cells in your body. But the cells need insulin, a hormone, in your bloodstream in order to take in the glucose and use it for energy. With diabetes mellitus, either your body doesn't make enough insulin, it can't use the insulin it does produce, or a combination of both.

Related Journals of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Case Reports, Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism, Jornal de Diabetes Clínica & Practice, Journal of Diabetes Medication & Care, Journal of Diabetic Complications & Medicine, International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus Netherlands, Diabetes Mellitus Russian Federation, Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, Journal of Diabetes and its Complications, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus, Journal of Diabetes Research, Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders, Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus