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Dose-response Relationship

The dose-response relationship, or exposure–response relationship, describes the amendment in result on associate degree organism caused by differing levels of exposure (or doses) to a agent (usually a chemical) when a precise exposure time.[1] this might apply to people (e.g.: alittle quantity has no vital result, an outsized quantity is fatal), or to populations (e.g.: what percentage folks or organisms area unit affected at completely different levels of exposure). Dose–response relationships usually rely on the exposure time and exposure route (e.g., inhalation, dietary intake); quantifying the response when {a completely different|a special|a unique|a distinct} exposure time or for a distinct route results in a distinct relationship and presumably different conclusions on the results of the agent into account. This limitation is caused by the quality of biological systems and also the usually unknown biological processes operational between the external exposure and also the adverse cellular or tissue response.