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Epigastric Pain

Epigastric pain is pain that's localized to the region of the higher abdomen just below the ribs. Often, people who expertise this kind of pain feel it throughout or right when consumption or if they lie early on when consumption. It's a standard symptom of gastrooesophageal Reflux (GERD) or symptom. It should be related to the stomachic contents moving upward into the rear of the throat, inflicting inflammation and a burning pain.

Pain may be dull or burning. It may spread upward to the chest or to the back. There may be other symptoms such as belching, bloating, cramps or hunger pains. There may be weight loss or poor appetite, nausea or vomiting. The pain of epigastric area has many characteristics. It can occur during eating or after a meal. It can occur at any time or at some particular times. It can be dull and moderate to severe in nature.

Related Journals of Epigastric Pain

Journal of Pain & Relief, Open Pain Journal, Pain.