Nosso grupo organiza mais de 3.000 Séries de conferências Eventos todos os anos nos EUA, Europa e outros países. Ásia com o apoio de mais 1.000 Sociedades e publica mais de 700 Acesso aberto Periódicos que contém mais de 50.000 personalidades eminentes, cientistas de renome como membros do conselho editorial.
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Obesity is a major concern in highly developed countries, where, people consume higher calorie drinks instead of water. In United States, it has been surveyed that childhood obesity has almost doubled in past 30 years. This percentage is increasing in an alarming mode which is ultimately leading to several other body diseases at such a tender age.
Individuals having their bodyweight 20% more than it should be, then, he or she is considered to be an obese. If the body mass index for any person is 30 or more, then he or she has obesity disease. Obesity can be cured by various medical as well as physical therapies. There have been a number of surgeries started to cure obesity. These include gastrointestinal surgery, bariatric surgery, etc. The physical therapies are also helpful to reduce obesity in obese people.
Related Journals of Global Obesity Statistics
Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy; Surgery: Current Research, Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity, Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism, Obesity, Obesity Reviews, Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, Open Obesity Journal, Obesity Facts.