ISSN: 2168-9806

Jornal de Metalurgia do Pó e Mineração

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Volume 6, Emitir 3 (2017)

Artigo de Revisão

Review on a Nanomaterials Mechanisms-Induced Oxidative Stress and Toxicity

  • Geetha N, Prabhavathi G, Ayeshamariam A*, Beevi AH, Punithavelan N, Uthiram C and Jayachandran M

Artigo de Revisão

Effect of Different Doping Concentrations and Its Characterizations of Nanocrystalline ITO Nano Particles

  • Perumalsamy R, Prabhavathi G, Nivetha S, Saleem AM, Karunanithy M, Ayeshamariam A* and Jayachandran M

Artigo de Revisão

Review on Different Components of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

  • Koteswararao P*, Suresh BM, Wani BN, Rao PVB

Comentário curto

Properties and Application of Protective Coatings Obtained by Plasma Spraying and PVD Methods

  • Grzelka R*, Hołda M, Mazurkiewicz A, Smolik J , Richert M, Zawadzka P


Marble Consolidation: Can Nanomaterials Help?

  • Simona Raneri, Marco Lezzerini

Artigo de Pesquisa

Investigations of Thermal Damage on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Gneiss Rock Specimen

  • MAMBOU NGUEYEP Luc Leroy, NDOP Joseph,NDJAKA Jean-Marie Bienvenu

Artigo de Revisão

Hybrid Solar Cells Based on Organic Inorganic Materials Photovoltaic Applications: A Review

  • Nivetha S, Perumalsamy R, Ayeshamariam A*, Saleem AM, Karunanithy M and Jayachandran M

Artigo de Revisão

A Review on Theoretical Studies of Optical and Electrical Parameters Values of Thin films

  • Ayeshamariam A*, Karunanithy M, Thirumamagal R, Nivetha S, Kavin MM, Geetha N and Jayachandran M