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Karski Tomasz, Karski Jacek, Karska Klaudia and Kulka Małgorzata
The back pain is a frequent problem of patients in orthopedics, neurology and other departments. In our opinion-the causes of the pain are connected with various illnesses or anatomical disorders of the spine such as hiperlordosis of lumbar spine, or scoliosis. There are also other causes of back pain like spondylolisis, spodylolithesis, prolapsed nucleus pulpous, oncology symptoms but in the article, we focus on the causes of special types of scoliosis and group of patients with “hiperlordosis of lumbar spine” as the causes of “back pain syndromes.” In our research we found that etiology of scoliosis is connected with biomechanical factors- “ permanent standing ‘at ease’ on the right leg” and walking/gait, which is described in next chapters.