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Changing How Outliers and Negative Findings are Perceived in Translational Research


Translational research plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between scientific discoveries and their practical application in real-world settings. It aims to facilitate the translation of promising laboratory findings into meaningful advancements in clinical practice and public health. However, within the realm of translational research, outliers and negative findings have often been overlooked or misunderstood, leading to potential biases in the interpretation and dissemination of results. Traditionally, outliers are viewed as statistical anomalies or errors that should be disregarded or explained away. Similarly, negative findings, which indicate a lack of significant effect or unsuccessful outcomes, are often considered less valuable or less worthy of attention than positive findings. This prevailing mindset has hindered progress in translational research by perpetuating a culture that emphasizes the pursuit of positive and statistically significant results at the expense of a comprehensive understanding of the underlying phenomena.