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Further Developing Micropropagation of Some Grape Cultivars by Means of Boron, Calcium and Phosphate

Mohamed Mahmoud

The purpose of this study was to develop an efficient method for the micropropagation of Winter Jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) by using as explants nodal segments taken from actively growing plants. In the months of April and May, shortly after the beginning of the new flush, explants were taken from shoots of the current season. Explants were sterilized using a combination of 1.0% NaOCl2 for 10 minutes and 70% ethanol for 10 seconds. This resulted in the highest rate of culture survival and the best rate of culture asepsis, followed by a treatment using 0.1% HgCl2 for 10 minutes and 70% ethanol for 10 seconds, which resulted in culture survival and culture asepsis. With Benzyl adenine + Kinetin (3.0 + 1.0 mgL1), the maximum length (4.33 cm) and leaf number (7.78) of established micro shoots were recorded, while the highest culture establishment (80.55%) and the shortest days to bud sprouting (7.62 days) were recorded. With Benzyl adenine and kinetin (3.0 + 0.5 mgL 1), the highest percentage of proliferated shoots and maximum number of proliferated shoots (2.41) were observed. With Benzyl adenine and kinetin (3.0 + 1.0 mgL1), the smallest size of proliferated shoots was 2.02 cm, followed by 2.25 cm with benzyl adenine and kinetin (3.0 + 0.5 mgL1). The most noteworthy establishing (63.93%), essential root number/miniature shoot (4.74), and longest essential roots (34.67 mm) were recorded with IBA (2.0 mgL−1). IBA yielded improved results than NAA as far as higher establishing rate and root number. However, the NAA concentration of 2.0 mgL1 resulted in a minimum of 22.00 days until root initiation. IBA (2.0 mgL 1) had the highest ex vitro survival rate of rooted micro shoots (89.67 percent).