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Horticulture Protein-Based Systems with Controlled Release of Micronutrients: Microns versus Nanons

Puyana Victor

Horticulture is seeing an increase in the use of fertilizers. However, the conventional fertilization method is inefficient and causes contamination issues as a result of excessive nutrients. As a result, new technologies like controlled-release fertilizer systems and nanofertilization are currently being tested. As a result, the primary objective of this work was to create controlled-release systems for micronutrients made from soy protein. Zinc, copper, iron,and manganese, as well as their incorporation in the form of micro and nanoparticles, were evaluated. The systems' use in crops, as well as their mechanical and functional properties (water uptake capacity, biodegradability, and micronutrient release), were examined to determine their viability. The findings demonstrated that, when combined with nanotechnology, these systems have a great potential to incorporate micronutrients into crops, enhancing the advantages of conventional fertilization.