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Investigation into the Optimum Moisture Content and Parboiling Time forMilling Igbemo Rice

OA Oyedele and O Adeoti

Igbemo rice is local rice commonly produced and consumed in Ekiti State and other parts of Nigeria. One of the major factors affecting the quality of Igbemo rice is kernel breakage. This study examines the optimum moisture and parboiling time that gives the minimum amount of breakages during the milling process. Paddy rice obtained from local farmers in Igbemo town, in Ekiti State was parboiled at three different moisture contents and length of parboiling of 12, 14, 16% and 35, 40, 45 minutes, respectively. The resulting rice samples were milled at five replicates to obtain the amount of kernel breakages. The results of the process reveal that to obtain a minimum amount of kernel breakages in Igbemo rice, paddy should be parboiled for 41.5 minutes and milled at 16% moisture content.