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Long-term Survival of Large Cell Neuroendocrine Lung Carcinoma with Bony Metastases: A Case of Immunoprotectivity?

Deborah Paul, Sarah Lander, Anna R. Cooper, Wakenda K. Tyler

Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) is a rare, highly malignant neoplasm with a dismal prognosis. The majority of patients will present with metastatic disease with a median overall survival of 6 months for this group. We present a case of metastatic LCNEC to the pelvis with a 10 year survival after tumor resection, radiation, and chemotherapy. We hypothesize that his survival and cancer stability are the result of an immune response brought on by a sub-acute turned chronic wound infection. After adjuvant therapies, he remained disease-free for 4 years until a recurrence in his lung and new metastases to his spine, which were treated with radiation. He remained disease-free for an additional 6 years, during which time, he discovered to have a chronic infection of his right femur with Staphylococcus Lugdunensis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first long-term survivor of LCNEC with bony metastases.