Nosso grupo organiza mais de 3.000 Séries de conferências Eventos todos os anos nos EUA, Europa e outros países. Ásia com o apoio de mais 1.000 Sociedades e publica mais de 700 Acesso aberto Periódicos que contém mais de 50.000 personalidades eminentes, cientistas de renome como membros do conselho editorial.
Periódicos de acesso aberto ganhando mais leitores e citações
700 periódicos e 15 milhões de leitores Cada periódico está obtendo mais de 25.000 leitores
Raffaele M. Maiorano
We are in UN decade for Sdg’s. From 2015, when UN countries met in NYC and decided to achieve the Sdg’s, many things has been done, but companies and private sector are still wondering how to create value with them. Sdgs Competitive model has been implemented to help agribusiness companies to measure their investment with the Sdg’s and create a systemic progressive positive mechanism. To become more sustainable, we need to follow 5 actions:
1. Change of paradigm: sustainabilityis an «engine for value» for companies, clients and Society (stakeholder). It’snot an imposition
2. Semplify target and global challenges in concrete actions, measurable e consistent with the company business;
3. Work on the innovation of process and producttranforming the existing model in a more sustainable way (keySDG,s). Start with the innovation of thought.
4. Create a business model able to generate value, incrementally (virtuosity)
5. Establishcompliant targets coherent with business targets